Acceptance rate | 46% |
Time to first decision | 6 months* |
Time to decision with review | 50 days* |
*Approximate number of days
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ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia
2023 , Vol 61 , Num 4
Nutritional Scrutiny, Chemical Profiling and Antioxidant Potentials of Crude Extracts of Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) from Kasur, Pakistan
1 Food and Biotechnology Research Centre, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Laboratories Complex, Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Punjab, PakistanDOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS6128 Viewed : 3997 - Downloaded : 1577 Moringa oleifera L. is a miraculous plant due to the presence of essential nutrients, phyto-constituents and natural antioxidants. This study evaluated the aqueous and methanol extracts of M. oleifera leaves for various nutritional parameters, phytoconstituents and antioxidant activities. Results indicated varying contents of moisture (78.0±2.2, 7.3±0.7%), ash (0.8±0.1, 1.50±0.8%), fat (0.9 ±0.2, 1.8±0.9%), crude fiber (2.1±0.3, 20.5±1.7%), crude protein (7.1±0.8, 22.7±1.9%) carbohydrates (11.1±1.3, 46.2±2.1%) and energy kcal/100g (81.0±2.5, 292±4.2). Proteins, carbohydrates, hydroxyl-anthraquinone, tannins, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids and saponins were present in Moringa leaves powder except phytosterol and fixed oil. In the methanol extract of Moringa fresh leaves, TPC recorded was 76.7±2.5 mg GAE/g and TFC was 24.6±0.40 mg QE/g while in the dried leaves powder, TPC and TFC were 86.2±1.8 mg GAE/g and 29.8±0.4 mg QE/g which were higher than the aqueous extracts. Antioxidant activity of Moringa dried leaves methanol extract with DPPH displayed maximum percentage inhibition (92.5±3.2%) than aqueous extract (65.2±2.5%) and BHT (57.6±2.1%) at 100µg/ml. Same tendency was observed in the reducing power assay for Moringa dried leaves powder methanol extract Conclusively, M. oleifera possess a wealth of nutrients and bioactive compounds with potential antioxidant activity for extraordinary applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Keywords : Moringa oleifera, nutritional analysis, phyto-constituents, antioxidant activity, Pakistan