Acceptance rate 46%
Time to first decision 6 months*
Time to decision with review 50 days*

*Approximate number of days

**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.

Review Process

Articles uploaded to the Manuscript submission system are checked by the journal administration for format consistency and similarity rate which is required to be less  than 20%. Then sent to the chief editor if found appropriate.

Articles that are not suitable are sent back to the author for correction and re-submit (sent back to the author). Studies that have not been prepared using the draft for submitting to Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia “acta_msc_tmp” and that have not been adapted in terms of format, will be directed to the editor-in-chief, after the 3rd time, by giving the information that “the consistency requirements have not been met”.

The manuscripts sent to the chief editor will be evaluated and sent to the “language and statistics editor" if deemed appropriate.

Studies found appropriate after language-statistics editor will be sent to field editors. If the field editor does not deem it appropriate after evaluating the article scientifically, he/she will inform the editor-in-chief of its negative comments, otherwise, at least two independent referee comments will be asked.

Authors should consider that this time may take time because of the reviewer assignments and acceptance for review may take time for some cases.

Our review system is double-blind. The editor, who evaluates according to the comments of the referees, submits his/her comment and suggestion to the editor-in-chief. In this way, the article takes one of the acceptance, rejection, or revision decisions. In the case of revision, after the author revises, the editor submits his/her final opinion to the editor in chief. Editor-in-Chief conveys his final decision to the author. After the accepted articles are subjected to the final control by the journal and the corresponding author, the article starts to be included in the "accepted papers" section by giving the inactive DOI number. When the article is placed in one of the following issues, the DOI number will be activated and displayed in the "current issue" section on the journal homepage.

Istanbul Medipol University