Acceptance rate 46%
Time to first decision 6 months*
Time to decision with review 50 days*

*Approximate number of days

**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.

ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia 2019 , Vol 57 , Num 1
Determination Amount of Silymarin and Pharmaceutical Products from Milk Thistle Waste Obtained from Cold Press
Derya Duran 1 Semih Ötleş 1 Ercüment Karasulu 2
1 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Food Engineering, Izmir, Turkey
2 Institue of Health Science, Drug Research and Pharmacokinetic Development and Applied Center, Izmir, Turkey
DOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS.05706 Viewed : 16228 - Downloaded : 6846 Keywords :

Istanbul Medipol University