Acceptance rate | 46% |
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ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia
2022 , Vol 60 , Num 4
Determination of Digitoxin by Highperformance thin layer chromatography in Digitalis purpurea
1 Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Department of Chemistry, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India2 Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, Drug Standardization Unit, Department of Chemistry, Uttar Pradesh, India
DOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS6022 Viewed : 8537 - Downloaded : 3586 A quantitative HPTLC method has been established for quantification of digitoxin in chloroform extract of Digitalis purpurea leaves. For HPTLC quantification method, the plate used was of pre-coated silica gel 60 F254 and mobile phase was Ethyl acetate: Methanol: Water in the ratio of volume (8.0:1.5:1.0, v/v/v) and UV detection was performed at 219nm. Four samples of mother tincture were used for the study, in-house-mother tincture (A) of Digitalis purpurea and market samples (B, C and D) of renowned brands. Result shows that the mother tinctures prepared by authenticated plant sample showed maximum amount of digitoxin as compared to the mother tinctures procured from the market. The present study suggested that the mother tincture of Digitalis purpurea, contained a cardiac glycosides (digitoxin) justifying its medicinal usage in Homeopathy. This is the reason for cure and healing property of leaves of Digitalis purpurea. Keywords : Digitalis purpurea, HPTLC quantification, digitoxin, Homoeopathic drug