Acceptance rate 46%
Time to first decision 6 months*
Time to decision with review 50 days*

*Approximate number of days

**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.

ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia 2019 , Vol 57 , Num 1
Determination Amount of Silymarin and Pharmaceutical Products from Milk Thistle Waste Obtained from Cold Press
Derya Duran 1 Semih Ötleş 1 Ercüment Karasulu 2
1 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Food Engineering, Izmir, Turkey
2 Institue of Health Science, Drug Research and Pharmacokinetic Development and Applied Center, Izmir, Turkey
DOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS.05706 Viewed : 16229 - Downloaded : 6846 In this study, the compounds that contain active ingredients beneficial for health and disposed from t he fruits of milk thistle which from oil was extracted after cold press was obtained, and end products were provided.

At this stage, total ash, insoluble ash in HCl, loss on drying, foreign matter, heavy metal and microbiology analyses were carried out on the milk thistle waste supplied as seeds. The seeds were treated to cold press, then oil and waste were obtained. Peroxide value, FFA, refractive index, fatty acid composition, saponification and iodine number were investigated in the oil. The waste had silymarin compounds signi?cantly, therefore verification was performed for the quantitation of silymarin active ingredient in the waste. The waste contained up to 2% silymarin.

As a result, a formulation was created for the standardized active ingredient and milk thistle oil, and end product was provided in the form of soft capsule. Keywords : cold press, milk thistle (Silybum marianum), silymarin, soft capsule

Istanbul Medipol University