Acceptance rate | 46% |
Time to first decision | 6 months* |
Time to decision with review | 50 days* |
*Approximate number of days
**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.
ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia
2019 , Vol 57 , Num 1
Biosynthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxicity of Zinc Nanoparticles Using Panax ginseng Roots, Araliaceae
1 Ministry of Education, Department of Heet Education, Hit, Iraq2 University Of Anbar, Department of Ecology, College of Applied Sciences-Hit, Hit, Anbar, Iraq
DOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS.05702 Viewed : 18310 - Downloaded : 5701 This study aims to biosynthesize zinc nanoparticles from the aqueous extract of Panax ginseng (Red Ginseng) roots. The characteristics of ZnNPs were checked using change in color, UV-Vis, SEM, SPM, AFM, FT-IR, and EDS analyses, and assessed their cytotoxicity against L20B tumor cell line using MTT assay. The change in the solution color after 3 hr on 70 °C is from yellow to the brownish color with whitish sediments. The adsorption peak of UV-vis is 340 nm as evidence of formation the Zn nanoparticles. AFM, SEM and EDS observe shapes of zinc nanoparticles which are spherical to irregular particles with rate of size 59.76 nm. The concentration 100% Zinc nanoparticles significantly (p<0.01) recorded best inhibition percentage 41.70% against murine fibroblast cells (L20B) which have receptors of human polioviruses. Thus, this work is considered as an auspicious first test to reduce the growth of cancers using green ZnNPs of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) in vitro. Keywords : Anticancer activity, EDS, Red Ginseng, SPM, ZnNPs